Aid organizations

רשימת קווי סיוע בנושאים שונים.

אם את במצוקה כלשהיא, אל תהססי להתקשר לאחד המספרים המופיעים פה.
הסיוע ניתן באופן דיסקרטי בידי אנשי ונשות מקצוע.

ארגוני סיוע בנושא אלימות

Yad Leisha
Assistance for women who are refused a divorce and agunot. Legal advice, representation and accompaniment in legal proceedings in the Rabbinical Court.
Yad Leisha
Assistance for women who are refused a divorce and agunot. Legal advice, representation and accompaniment in legal proceedings in the Rabbinical Court.
Yad Leisha
Assistance for women who are refused a divorce and agunot. Legal advice, representation and accompaniment in legal proceedings in the Rabbinical Court.

ארגוני סיוע בנושא גירושין

Yad Leisha
Assistance for women who are refused a divorce and agunot. Legal advice, representation and accompaniment in legal proceedings in the Rabbinical Court.
Yad Leisha
Assistance for women who are refused a divorce and agunot. Legal advice, representation and accompaniment in legal proceedings in the Rabbinical Court.
Yad Leisha
Assistance for women who are refused a divorce and agunot. Legal advice, representation and accompaniment in legal proceedings in the Rabbinical Court.