About the Project
Shabbat Dorshot Tov is a Kolech initiative in collaboration with Matan, Ein Hanatziv Midrasha, Lindenberg Midrasha, Midreshet Beer, Yeshivat Derech HaRav Tzurim, Beit Midrash HaRav Harel, and the Beit Hillel Rabbis organization. The essence of this Shabbat is to connect communities and female scholars all throughout Israel, where they deliver lessons and Divrei Torah to the entire community.
In these communities, there has been an awakening to address the practical question (not just theoretical) of how and in what manner women are given a platform to deliver teachings and Torah wisdom within the community.
Gatherings and committees were held on the subject; rabbinical rulings were written, and various groups within the communities were called upon to express their opinions and make decisions. Above all, the issue of women’s spiritual leadership has become a prominent agenda item in dozens of communities, where discussions have focused on the appropriate roles for women as leaders and educators in their communities.